Helps save sharks and support ocean conservation efforts
Each Adopt a Shark kit from Oceana supports campaigns to protect and restore shark populations around the world. Each symbolic adoption comes with a shark plush and/or cookie cutter (who doesn’t want shark shaped cookies?), along with a personalized adoption certificate. And each kit helps Oceana push for bans on shark finning, species-specific management plans, and reduced deaths from bycatching.
Sharks have played a vital role in maintaining healthy oceans for hundreds of millions of years as a top predator. More than 500 species of sharks cruise the world’s oceans, ranging in size from 8 inches to a whopping 40 feet long. But today, nearly one in four sharks are threatened with extinction due to the demand for shark fins. With as many as 100 million sharks ending up as victims to the global fin trade every year. Losing sharks will have devastating and unpredictable consequences for our oceans and supported ecosystems.
The sale of all Oceana adoption kits go toward making our world’s oceans healthier and safer, for generations to come. As the largest international advocacy organization dedicated solely to ocean conservation, Oceana works tirelessly to stop overfishing, habitat destruction, pollution and killing of threatened species like turtles and sharks.