Best Friends Animal Society – Help Save Them All
Approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters every year, where just over a quarter of those are euthanized. Best Friends Animal Society strives to reduce that number to zero. Through the country’s largest no-kill sanctuary for companion animals such as cats, dogs, and horses, Best Friends’ offers refuge to animals in need—turning their lives around, providing medical care, and giving the love and acceptance needed to overcome their past. In addition to offering refuge to homeless pets, they also work with local shelters and rescue groups to inform the public on various issues, from the need to spay and neuter to breed discrimination and puppy mills. By building community programs and partnerships across the country, Best Friends helps drive adoption rates while reducing the number of animals in shelters each year. Through their heroic mission to Save Them All, Best Friends Animal Society is giving animals in need a new chance at life.