Working to recover and restore a variety of threatened marine species including sharks
Saving the Blue is a nonprofit organization that seeks to recover and restore threatened sharks and marine species, while connecting people and communities to ocean wildlife. Through their scientific research, Saving the Blue is able to advance our understanding of the biology and ecology of critically important marine organisms, particularly endangered sharks and rays. Research data collected during expeditions is also shared with other conservation stakeholders to further improve the management and protection of additional marine species.
Additionally, Saving the Blue works hard to promote green, sustainable living practices, through a variety of education and outreach programs. Through their in person and online efforts, Saving the Blue helps educate the public on the benefits of green living, including reusable alternatives, environmentally friendly and marine-safe choices, waste reduction, resource utilization and healthy living. Ultimately, inspiring and influencing a new generation of ocean advocates via hands on, in-field research activities.