Plant trees with your web searches
Ecosia is a search engine that plants trees with every web search. Downloadable as a phone app or browser extension, Ecosia donates a bulk of its revenue to non-profit organizations that focus on reforestation and conservationism. And unlike other search engines, they don’t sell personal data to advertisers, and all of their servers run on 100% renewable solar energy.
Forests are key to slowing climate change and preserving the planet’s fragile habitats and ecosystems, but they continue to be cut down at an alarming rate. What if you could help plant trees around the world by simply doing something you do every day, searching the web? As a sustainable alternative to Google, Ecosia offers that exact opportunity by using ad revenue from your web searches to plant trees around the world.
Ecosia also operates with complete transparency, publishing monthly financial reports that show exactly how the money is used, and what percentage goes toward planting trees. By searching with Ecosia, you’re not only reforesting the planet, but also empowering a better future.