Every purchase plants 10 trees
The Mizu V8 Juniper Water Bottle from Tentree, makers of aspirational outdoor gear, offers plastic-free, purpose-driven hydration on the go. Each double wall insulated bottle keeps your beverages fresh and cool, or nice and hot for hours. The narrow brim makes it easy to grab a quick drink while trekking along. And the slim body carries comfortably or stores conveniently when not in use.
Tentree believes that big change starts small. Whether it’s bringing eco-bags to the grocery store (when you remember), or using a fancy reusable water bottle (like this one), Tentree helps support the small wins with their sustainable outdoor products. Every product helps plant 10 trees (hence the name), in collaboration with charitable partners Trees for the Future, One Tree Planted, and Eden Reforestation Projects. With each order including a unique tree token that allows you to see where your trees are planted and track your impact.