Exceptionally crafted, sustainable outdoor gear that gives back
The Kammok Bobcat 45°F Down Trail Quilt offers packable warmth wherever you roam. Designed with versatility in mind, this lightweight insulator adapts as a sleeping bag, hammock underquilt, or camp blanket. Made from nylon ripstop fabric that’s tear and stain resistant, and buttery soft. With responsibly sourced, water-repellent down insulation. Includes a water-resistant rolltop stuff sack, to help pack down the quilt on-the-go.
Kammok is committed to designing highly functional, exceptionally crafted gear that elevates your time outside. By using lighter & stronger fabrics, recycled materials and best-in-class construction, Kammok ensures a more sustainable, longer lasting product life cycle. Keeping your gear in use rather than in landfills. And as a Certified B Corporation and 1% for the Planet member, Kammok actively seeks out ways to improve business practices while giving back to social and environmental causes.