All profits go to protecting the ocean
This limited edition USOA Woven Beach Towel is a collaboration between Slowtide and Surfrider Foundation. Representing the United States and Oceans of America flag in navy blue and white. Each 30” x 60” beach towel was made in the US-O-A. 100% of the profits from each towel purchase help fund Surfrider’s mission to protect our ocean, waves and beaches for all to enjoy.
Just as this land is your land, this ocean is your ocean. Our waves are as American as our mountains. Our water as vital as our soil. If our ocean dies, so will our land. We urge the American people to join us to start a new fight: the fight to free our oceans and coasts. We are the United States and Oceans of America. The land and oceans of the free. The home and waves of the brave.
Blending fashion and functionality, Slowtide collaborates with a variety of brands and artists to produce beautifully designed towels manufactured from clean, ethical factories and sustainably sourced materials. Each beach towel is made from 100% super soft, highly absorbent, sustainably sourced cotton.
Surfrider Foundation is a grassroots non-profit made up of a dedicated team of science, environmental & legal experts working to protect our ocean, waves and beaches. With focus on water quality, beach access, beach and surf spot preservation, and sustaining marine and coastal ecosystems, oceans will continue to bring joy and sustain life for future generations.