Proceeds support artists struggling with homelessness and disability
ArtLifting Fine Art Prints offers original artwork and prints created by artists impacted by homelessness or disability. Artists from all over the country are provided opportunity, empowerment, and validation through the sale of their fine art prints. Including this captivating portrait of Jill Scott by artist Stacey Williams—a self-taught portrait artist who began painting as a form of stress management after a layoff in the midst of a lengthy recession and a debilitating hip condition.
ArtLifting empowers artists like Stacey living with homelessness or disabilities through the celebration and sale of their artwork. By showcasing and selling original paintings, prints, and products, artists gain self-confidence that permeates throughout all aspects of their lives. As a social enterprise and benefit corporation, ArtLifting gives 55% from the profit of each sale back to the artist, 1% toward strengthening art services and community programs, and the remaining 44% goes to further their heroic mission.